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Creating a Payment Link
John avatar
Written by John
Updated over a week ago

Payment Links allow you to sell any item—whether it's a physical item like a book, or a digital item like an event ticket. Payment Links also provide the flexibility to accept bitcoin donations. Here we will look at the process

Create a new Payment Link

Click the [+] icon in the top right corner of the app, or click Payment Links in the main navigation and then click the [+ New Payment Link] button.


Title *

This will be the main title for the item you are selling. Keep it short and descriptive.


Upload an image to help customers better understand what they are paying for. Suggested size: 960px (w) x 540px (h).


Add a more detailed description that will be shown on the Checkout page.

Customer chooses what to pay

Check this box if you are creating a donation link, or simply want to accept one-off payments of varying amounts.

Price *

Add the list Price of the item.


Add an additional Tax percentage that should be charged. If added, this will be calculated at Checkout.


The currency denomination for the item. If a fiat currency is selected, the customer will still be able to pay in BTC.

Max. quantity

This is the maximum quantity of this item that can purchased in any one Order. Default: `1`. Use `0` for unlimited.

Internal note

Add an optional internal note that is only visible to the Zaprite Organization.


Require Fulfillment

If checked, orders will be marked as "Paid" upon payment. You will then be able to manually mark orders as "Complete" afterwards. use this feature if you have items that, for example, require shipping.

Enable required Customer fields

You can ask your customer to fill in some additional information at Checkout. This information will then be visible on your Orders. Any item enabled here will become a required field on the Checkout.


This is where you can choose your preferred payment methods to accept for this Payment Link.


Your default Checkout will be used. To edit your default Checkout, click the Checkout button in the main navigation.


You can customize the payment methods available for this specific Payment Link. This will create a customized configuration that will be loaded on the checkout page for this Payment Link only.

You can click the [Preview] button at any time to see what your payment methods will look like on the Checkout page.


This Preview section will display the information you have entered in the fields above.

When you are ready, click the [Save] button to publish your Payment Link. You are now ready to share you Payment Link with thew world!

Video Tutorial

A video tutorial is available on our YouTube channel.

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